Digital Repository Universitas Jember Digital Repository Universitas Jember A Marchianti, E Nurus Sakinah, N Diniyah Efektifitas Penyuluhan Gizi Pada Kelompok 1000, 69-70, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
Gel formulations of Merremia mammosa (Lour.) accelerated wound healing of the wound in diabetic rats ACN Marchianti, EN Sakinah, U Elfiah, NKS Putri, DI Wahyuliswari, ... Journal of traditional and complementary medicine 11 (1), 38-45, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Analisis Faktor Risiko Kejadian Diare Berulang pada Balita di Puskesmas Sumberjambe Kabupaten Jember AM Wibisono, ACN Marchianti, DK Dharmawan Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences 6 (1), 43-52, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Efektifitas penyuluhan gizi pada kelompok 1000 HPK dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap kesadaran gizi ACN Marchianti, EN Sakinah, N Diniyah Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences 3 (3), 12-18, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Perbedaan efek paparan pestisida kimia dan organik terhadap kadar Glutation (GSH) plasma pada petani padi AY Insani, ACN Marchianti, SS Wahyudi Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia 17 (2), 63-67, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Voluntary exercise under a food restriction condition decreases blood branched-chain amino acid levels, in addition to improvement of glucose and lipid metabolism, in db mice … ACN Marchianti, E Arimura, M Ushikai, M Horiuchi Environmental health and preventive medicine 19, 339-347, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
The effectivenes of red rice to decrease total cholesterol in type 2 dm patients WU Pradini, ACN Marchianti, R Riyanti Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences 3 (1), 7-12, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Evaluation of the Hospital Information System (HIS) using EUCS and PIECES Methods on the Medical Record Section of RSUD dr. Haryoto Lumajang AF Hanesya, ACN Marchianti, S Bukhori Ijconsist Journals 3 (1), 13-20, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
The effectiveness of Merremia mammosa (Lour.) extract fractions as diabetic wound healers on diabetic rat model EN Sakinah, EU Ulfa, ACN Marchianti Hiroshima J. Med. Sci 67 (37), 70-77, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Pengaruh Kelembaban Udara, Suhu dan Kepadatan Hunian terhadap Kejadian TB Paru: Pengaruh Kelembaban Udara, Suhu dan Kepadatan Hunian terhadap Kejadian TB Paru WN Maulinda, S Hernawati, N Marchiant, A Caesarina Jurnal Midwifery Zigot 4 (2), 38-40, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Pengaruh Beban Kerja Fisik terhadap Tingkat Disabilitas Pasien Nyeri Punggung Bawah di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember (Influence of Workload Level on Low Back Pain Patient’s Physical … IA Nugroho, ACN Marchianti, Y Hermansyah Pustaka Kesehatan 5 (2), 316-322, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Deteriorated glucose metabolism with a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet in db mice, an animal model of type 2 diabetes, might be caused by insufficient insulin … E Arimura, WP Pulong, ACN Marchianti, M Nakakuma, M Abe, M Ushikai, ... European journal of nutrition 56, 237-246, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Efektivitas nasi merah untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol total pasien DM tipe 2 WU Pradini, ACN Marchianti, R Riyanti Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences 3 (1), 7-12, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
The Impact of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Eating Behavior on Stunting and Undernutrition ACN Marchianti, DA Rachmawati, ISW Astuti, AM Raharjo, R Prasetyo Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi 10 (2), 140-150, 2022 | 7* | 2022 |
Risk Factor Analysis of Recurrent Diarrhea on Toddlers in Sumberjambe Health Center Jember Regency AM Wibisono, ACN Marchianti, DK Dharmawan Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences 6 (1), 43-52, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Hygiene and sanitation practice: Basis for the student health formation AE Noveyani, ACN Marchianti, P Wulandari JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN (JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE), 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Surveilans penyalahgunaan bahan kimia sintetis deksametason pada jamu pegal linu menggunakan metode near infra red dan kemometrik KA Cendekiawan, S Winarso, ACN Marchianti Multidisciplinary Journal 2 (1), 30-36, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
The dose dependence analysis of the water fraction of merremia mammosa (lour.) extract on diabetic wound healing enhancement ACN Marchianti, EU Ulfa, EN Sakinah Hiroshima J. Med. Sci 67, 29-34, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Nutrition Counseling on Group of First Thousand Days Of Life Effectively Improved Nutrition Awareness Knowledge and Attitude ACN Marchianti, EN Sakinah, N Diniyah Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences 3 (3), 12-18, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Work Posture and Musculoskeletal Disorders of Tempe Craftsmen in Sanan Tempe Industrial Center, Malang East Java, Indonesia WA Wirdhani, R Wibowo, AC Novi Health Notions 3 (3), 116-120, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |