Rizky Ema Wulansari
Rizky Ema Wulansari
Universitas Negeri Padang; Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Email yang diverifikasi di ft.unp.ac.id
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The validity of interactive instructional media on electrical circuits at vocational high school and technology
S Sukardi, D Puyada, RE Wulansari, DTP Yanto
Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Listrik Statis dan Dinamis Berbasis Android
MA Zaus, RE Wulansari, S Islami, D Pernanda
INTECOMS: Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 1 (1), 1-7, 2018
Effectiveness of instructional media based on interactive cd learning on basic network at vocational high school: improving student cognitive ability
D Pernanda, MA Zaus, RE Wulansari, S Islami
International Conferences on Educational, Social Sciences and Technology …, 2018
Effectiveness of interactive instructional media on Electrical Circuits
D Puyada, G Ganefri, A Ambiyar, RE Wulandari, BH Hayadi
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology 7 (2), 220-223, 2018
Augmented Reality Technology as a Complement on Graphic Design to Face Revolution Industry 4.0 Learning and Competence: The Development and Validity.
A Huda, N Azhar, A Almasri, RE Wulansari, A Mubai, RH Sakti, F Firdaus, ...
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 15 (5), 116-126, 2021
Media Animasi Digital Berbasis Hots (Higher Order Thinking Skill)
A Huda, S Kom, M Kom, MT Almasri, N Azhar, RE Wulansari, A Mubai, ...
Unp Press, 2020
The effectiveness of project-based learning on 4Cs skills of vocational students in higher education
RE Wulansari, RA Nabawi, D Safitri, TT Kiong
Journal of Technical Education and Training 14 (3), 29-37, 2022
Effectiveness Of Instructional Media Based Game On Mathematics At Vocational High School
RE Wulansari, D Puyada, I Wijaya, K Rukun
International Journal of Research Science and Management 4 (12), 125-128, 2017
Virtual reality adventures as an effort to improve the quality of welding technology learning during a pandemic
F Prasetya, BR Fajri, RE Wulansari, P Primawati, A Fortuna
International Journal of Online and Biomedical (iJOE), 2023
Hybrid and Collaborative Networks Approach: Online Learning Integrated Project and Kolb Learning Style in Mechanical Engineering Courses.
N Jalinus, MAZ Ganefri, MA Zaus, RE Wulansari, RA Nabawi, H Hidayat
Int. J. Online Biomed. Eng. 18 (15), 4-16, 2022
Teaching activities for supporting students’ 4cs skills development in vocational education
N Jalinus, S Sukardi, RE Wulansari, YM Heong, TT Kiong
Journal of Engineering Researcher and Lecturer 2 (2), 70-79, 2023
Expert system of quail disease diagnosis using forward chaining method
BH Hayadi, K Rukun, RE Wulansari, T Herawan, D Dahliusmanto, ...
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 5 (1), 207-214, 2017
Primawati, & Fortuna
F Prasetya, BR Fajri, RE Wulansari
Virtual reality adventures as an effort to improve the quality of welding …, 2023
Utilizing virtual laboratory to improve CNC distance learning of vocational students at higher education
F Prasetya, B Syahri, BR Fajri, RE Wulansari, A Fortuna
TEM Journal (Technology, Education, Management, Informatics) Volume 12, 1506 …, 2023
Konsep model evaluasi context, input, process dan product (CIPP) di sekolah menengah kejuruan
A Rama, A Ambiyar, F Rizal, N Jalinus, W Waskito, RE Wulansari
JRTI (Jurnal Riset Tindakan Indonesia) 8 (1), 82, 2023
The impact of augmented reality learning experiences based on the motivational design model: A meta-analysis
F Prasetya, A Fortuna, AD Samala, S Rawas, S Mystakidis, RE Wulansari, ...
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 10, 100926, 2024
Expert system for career early determination based on Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence
RE Wulansari, RH Sakti, A Ambiyar, M Giatman, N Syah, W Wakhinuddin
Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS) 3 (2), 67-76, 2022
Riset pendidikan dan aplikasinya
N Jalinus, PD Ganefri, JM Yunos, M Alias, I Syahril, MT Sukardi, ...
Comparison of ICT using in learning between Indonesia and Malaysia
F Rizal, N Jalinus, Syahril, Sukardi, MA Zaus, RE Wulansari, RA Nabawi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (1), 012133, 2019
Firdaus, & Shalehoddin.(2022). The Design of Android-Based Interactive Lean Manufacturing Application to Increase Students’ Work Skill in Vocational High School: The …
S Hartanto, A Huda, RE Wulansari, A Mubai
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM) 16 (13), 130-139, 0
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