Sri Murni Dewi
Sri Murni Dewi
Professor of Civil Engineering
Email yang diverifikasi di ub.ac.id
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Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produktivitas pekerja pada pengerjaan atap baja ringan di perumahan green hills malang
D Tanto, SM Dewi, SP Budio
Rekayasa Sipil 6 (1), 69-82, 2012
Penerapan metode pembelajaran Guided Inquiry untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis
NP Murnaka, SR Dewi
Journal of Medives: Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang 2 …, 2018
Analisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis berdasarkan teori polya ditinjau dari gaya kognitif field dependent dan field independent pada pokok bahasan trigonometri kelas x …
EM Siahaan, S Dewi, HB Said
PHI: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 2 (2), 100-110, 2019
The use of bamboo fiber in reinforced concrete beam to reduce crack
SM Dewi, MN Wijaya
AIP Conference Proceedings 1887 (1), 2017
Enhancing bamboo reinforcement using a hose-clamp to increase bond-stress and slip resistance
SM Dewi
Journal of Building Engineering 26, 100896, 2019
The recent research on bamboo reinforced concrete
SM Dewi, D Nuralinah
Matec web of conferences 103, 02001, 2017
Penerapan bambu sebagai tulangan dalam struktur rangka batang beton bertulang
T Wonlele, SM Dewi, S Nurlina
Rekayasa Sipil 7 (1), 1-12, 2013
Pengaruh kompetensi manajer proyek terhadap keberhasilan proyek pada perusahaan kontraktor di Kabupaten Malang
K Prianto, SM Dewi, A Pujiraharjo
Media Teknik Sipil 10 (2), 2012
The stiffness and cracked pattern of bamboo reinforced concrete beams using a hose clamp
SM Dewi, A Munawir
Int. J. Civ. Eng. Technol 9, 273-284, 2018
Pengaruh games memorize card terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada operasi hitung bilangan
D Anastasya, SR Dewi, NP Murnaka
Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif 6 (2), 164-169, 2015
Bond-slip improvement of bamboo reinforcement in concrete beam using hose clamps
M Muhtar, SM Dewi
Proceedings of The 2th International Multidisciplinary Conference 2016 1 (1), 2017
Crack behavior study of bamboo reinforced concrete beam with additional pegs in reinforcing
AM SM Dewi,D Nuralinah
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 9 (7), 1632-1640, 2018
Improving of scientific literacy ability using discovery learning model at the seventh grade students of state JHS 3 Ngronggot, Nganjuk-Indonesia
SR Dewi, M Nurmilawati, DA Budiretnani
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia) 3 (3), 266-271, 2017
AIP conference proceedings
SM Dewi, MN Wijaya
AIP Publishing, 2017
The Comparison Between Pull-Out Test And Beam Bending Test To The Bond Strength Of Bamboo Reinforcement In Light Weight Concrete
SMD Nindyawati, A Soehardjono
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 1497, 1500-3, 2013
Perilaku pelat lapis komposit bambu spesi pada beban in-plane dan beban lentur
SM Dewi
Disertasi S3 ITS Surabaya, 2005
The effect of student’s metacognition ability to their reasoning by using realistic mathematical education approach at secondary school of Unggul Sakti Jambi
S Dewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi 15 (3), 171-176, 2017
Pengaruh Penambahan Kait Pada Tulangan Bambu Terhadap Respon Lentur Balok Beton Bertulangan Bambu
AD Lestari, SM Dewi, W Wisnumurti
Rekayasa Sipil 9 (2), 81-87, 2015
Pemanfaatan limbah bottom ash sebagai pengganti semen pada genteng beton ditinjau dari segi kuat lentur dan perembesan air
A Zacoeb, SM Dewi, I Jamaran
Rekayasa Sipil 7 (1), 81-87, 2013
The flexural behavior model of bamboo reinforced concrete beams using a hose clamp
SM Dewi
MATEC Web of Conferences 276, 01033, 2019
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