Neneng Windayani
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Cited by
A simple formulation of lip balm using carrot extract as a natural coloring agent
H Anisa, Y Sukmawardani, N Windayani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (5), 055070, 2019
Analisis bahan ajar senyawa karbon berdasarkan kriteria keterhubungan representasi kimia
N Windayani, I Hasanah, I Helsy
Jurnal Tadris Kimiya 3 (1), 83-93, 2018
Phytochemical screening, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer activity of Coffee parasite acetone extract (Loranthus ferrugineus Roxb)
T Juwitaningsih, D Roza, S Silaban, E Hermawati, N Windayani
Pharmacia 69 (4), 1041-1046, 2022
Psychochemical and organoleptic characteristics of colostrum kefir as antibacterial
N Windayani, T Kurniati, M Listiawati
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1175 (1), 012016, 2019
Antifungal activity of lignans isolated from Phyllanthus myrtifolius Moon. against Fusarium oxysporum
N Windayani, Y Rukayadi, EH Hakim, K Ruslan, YM Syah
Phytochemistry 12, 33-39, 2014
Design of android interactive multimedia for the concept of aromatic compound
L Amaliyah, FS Irwansyah, N Windayani, MA Ramdhani
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 16004, 2018
An acetylated triterpene glycoside and lignans from Phyllanthus myrtifolius and their antibacterial activities
N Windayani, L D Juliawaty, E H Hakim, K Ruslan, Y M Syah
The Natural Products Journal 5 (3), 152-157, 2015
Application of augmented reality (AR) media on conformation of alkanes and cycloalkanes concepts to improve student’s spatial ability
J Kodiyah, FS Irwansyah, N Windayani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1521 (4), 042093, 2020
Making augmented reality learning media in conformation of alkane and cycloalkane concepts
N Windayani, FS Irwansyah, EN Asyiah
2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 1-5, 2019
Total lactic acid, protein, fat, and carbohydrates in curd kefir and cow colostrum kefir
T Kurniati, N Windayani, M Listiawati
Jurnal Biodjati 5 (2), 271-280, 2020
Konsep praktik microteaching berbasis E-learning pada masa pandemi COVID-19
S Sari, N Windayani, A Jihad, D Kuntadi
LP2M, 2020
Formulation of facial cleansing gels using aloe vera as natural surfactant
R Wulandini, FS Irwansyah, N Windayani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (5), 055069, 2019
Development of android-based chemistry learning media oriented towards generic science skills
D Wiguna, FS Irwansyah, N Windayani, H Aulawi, MA Ramdhani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1157 (4), 042047, 2019
The effect of kefir whey addition on soap characteristics
I Helsy, IFF HA, N Windayani, D Nasrudin
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012085, 2018
Analisis Bahan Ajar Senyawa Karbon Berdasarkan Kriteria Keterhubungan Representasi Kimia. JTK (Jurnal Tadris Kimiya), 3 (1), 83–93
N Windayani, I Hasanah, I Helsy
Anti–odor activity of milk kefir on organosulphur polysulfide cyclic compounds in petai (Parkia speciosa hassk)
T Kurniati, N Windayani, M Listiawati
Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018) 012169 1013, 1-7, 2018
Penerapan metode POGIL (process oriented guided inquiry learning) pada pembelajaran titrasi asam-basa
CZ Subarkah, N Windayani, B Latief
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Penerapan MIPA, 239-244, 2013
Android-based digital book oriented to multiple chemical representations on terpenoid learning materials
NFK Ummah, N Windayani, FS Irwansyah, D Sulaeman
Online Learning In Educational Research (OLER) 1 (1), 1-15, 2021
Development of paper indicator from sambang colok (Aerva sanguinolenta) plant extract
S Sopiah, S Sari, N Windayani
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012082, 2018
Extra n-Heksana Antifungi Cream Alpinia Galanga
S Rahmatullah, N Windayani, NN Fadilah
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (1), 012135, 2018
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