astri yuza sari
astri yuza sari
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Cited by
Predicting place attachment through selfie tourism, memorable tourism experience and hedonic well-being
O Trinanda, AY Sari, E Cerya, TR Riski
International Journal of Tourism Cities 8 (2), 412-423, 2022
The role of social media in building shopping value, customer trust, and customer engagement
SZ Handayani, AY Sari
Operations Management and Information System Studies 2 (1), 48-59, 2022
Selfie tourism dan electronic word of mouth sebagai anteseden re-visit intention
O Trinanda, AY Sari
Jurnal Benefita 4 (3), 526-535, 2019
# MeTourism: how selfies affect re-visit intention in narcissistic age
O Trinanda, AY Sari
1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship, and …, 2019
Selfie Tourism and Electronic Word of Mouth: Does Age and Gender Matter?
O Trinanda, AY Sari
Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2019
ABDIMAS UNTUK NEGERI Implementasi Kinerja Dosen dalam Bentuk Pengabdian di Masyarakat
S Shoffa, YC Giap, S Kom, DP Sari, R Rohmah, VNS Lestari, MM SE, ...
Samudra Biru, 2020
Exploring tourist satisfactions in eco-tourism: Antecedents and consequences
O Trinanda, AY Sari
4th Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and …, 2020
Customer Forgiveness: Can Decrease Customer Dissatisfaction?
HM Putri, M Yolanda, AY Sari
The Fifth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2020
Investigasi City Branding Kota Padang Melalui Brand Attitude (Studi Kasus: Stakeholder)
AY Sari, S Lenggogeni
Economac: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ekonomi 2 (2), 16-30, 2018
Customer engagement effect on relationship quality through customer co-creation
A Gumi, AY Sari
Marketing Management Studies 2 (4), 378-388, 2022
Managing Padang Restaurant’s Consumers Trust
O Trinanda, AY Sari
Sixth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2021
Does Customer Loyalty Perception Changed After They Moved to Sharia? A Descriptive Exploratory Study on Sharia Banks in Padang
O Trinanda, TR Riski, AY Sari
The Fifth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2020
Whether e-WOM is Important to Increase Re-Visit Intention on West Sumatera’s Attraction?
AY Sari, O Trinanda, F Ridhaningsih, TR Riski
The Fifth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2020
Tourism and Social Media: Do “Likes” and “Comments” Determine Re-Visit Intention?(Case Study: Tourist Destination in West Sumatra)
AY Sari, O Trinanda
4th Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and …, 2020
The influence of market orientation and managerial capability on marketing performance with market market innovation as a mediating variable
Q Wesondra, AY Sari
Marketing Management Studies 4 (2), 144-156, 2024
The effect of social influence, perceived security, and perceived risk on behavioral intention toward electronic payments
A Desyuari, AY Sari
Operations Management and Information System Studies 3 (4), 275-286, 2023
Penguatan Kompetensi Kewirausahaan dan Bahasa Inggris Aktif bagi Siswa SMK Konsentrasi Bisnis di SMKN 3 Padang
SY Sari, N Rosita, R Oktoviandry, AY Sari
ABDI HUMANIORA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Humaniora 5 (1), 72-82, 2023
New Travel Habits: Experience or Psychological?
AY Sari, O Trinanda, M Ritonga, L Putriani
Ninth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2023
The influence of service quality, price perception of service and word of mouth on revisit intention in KiosK Padang.
Y Yulia, AY Sari
Marketing Management Studies 2 (3), 309-316, 2022
Repurchase intention and customer satisfaction in e-commerce application
VM Nasmizal, AY Sari
Operations Management and Information System Studies 2 (2), 134-140, 2022
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Articles 1–20