Journal of Health Science and Prevention
Journal of Health Science and Prevention
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel
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Faktor Risiko yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Stunting di Indonesia: Studi Literatur
M Hadi, MLF Kumalasari, E Kusumawati
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (2), 86-93, 2019
Gangguan Perkembangan Motorik Dan Kognitif pada Anak Toddler yang Mengalami Stunting di Wilayah Pesisir Surabaya
D Arini, AC Mayasari, MZ Azhri
Journal of health science and prevention 3 (2), 123-128, 2019
Hubungan lama duduk dan sikap duduk terhadap keluhan nyeri punggung bawah pada penjahit rumahan di kecamatan tasikmadu
N Rachmat, PC Utomo, ER Sambada, EN Andyarini
Journal of health science and prevention 3 (2), 79-85, 2019
Korelasi usia dengan indeks massa tubuh, tekanan darah sistol-diastol, kadar glukosa, kolesterol, dan asam urat
N Lusiana, LP Widayanti, I Mustika, F Andiarna
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (2), 101-108, 2019
Quality of life perempuan penyintas kekerasan seksual: studi kualitatif
A Muhid, LM Khariroh, N Fauziyah, F Andiarna
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (1), 47-55, 2019
Perbedaan Hasil Pemeriksaan Kadar Hemoglobin (Hb) Remaja Menggunakan Metode Sahli dan Digital (Easy Touch GCHb)-The differences in the result of examination of adolescent …
E Kusumawati, N Lusiana, I Mustika, S Hidayati L, EN Andyarini
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 2 (2), 95-98, 2018
Pengaruh Terapi Yoga (Paschimottanasana dan Adho Mukha Padmasana) terhadap Intensitas Nyeri pada Remaja Putri yang Mengalami Dismenore Primer
TR Lestari, NMN Wati, IG Juanamasta, NLP Thrisnadewi, NKA Sintya
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (2), 94-100, 2019
Peramalan Jumlah Kasus Penyakit Hipertensi Di Kabupaten Jember Dengan Metode Time Series
NG Putri, YT Herawati, A Ramani
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (1), 39-46, 2019
Pengaruh pemberian coklat hitam terhadap penurunan nyeri haid pada dismenorhea primer-The influence of dark chocolate to reduce menstrual pain in primary dysmenorhea
R Arfailasufandi, F Andiarna
Journal of health Science and prevention 2 (1), 27-35, 2018
Efektivitas Senam Dismenore sebagai terapi alternatif menurunkan tingkat nyeri haid tinjauan sistematis penelitian tahun 2011-2016
MLF Kumalasari
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 1 (1), 10-14, 2017
Kontaminasi bakteri Escherichia coli pada sampel daging
S Bahri, S Rokhim, YS Prasiska
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (1), 62-67, 2019
Korelasi tingkat stres dengan kejadian sindrom premenstruasi pada mahasiswi-The correlation between stress level and premenstrual syndrom among college students
F Andiarna
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 2 (1), 8-13, 2018
The Differences in the Result of Examination of Adolescent Hemoglobin Levels Using Sahli and Digital Methods (Easy Touch GCHb)
E Kusumawati, N Lusiana, I Mustika, S Hidayati, EN Andyarini
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 2 (2), 95-99, 2018
Nurses' quality of work life
S Suaib, S Syahrul, T Tahir
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (3S), 63-66, 2019
Upaya Kendali Mutu dan Biaya Program Rujuk Balik Menggunakan Pendekatan Root Cause Analysis
A Paramita, P Andarwati, L Kristiana
Journal of health Science and prevention 3 (2), 68-78, 2019
The effect of constructive play therapy on anxiety levels of preschool children due to hospitalization
N Nurwulansari, MU Ashar, H Huriati, S Syarif
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (3S), 72-78, 2019
Analisis peningkatan tekanan darah pada pekerja yang terpapar kebisingan
N Widajati
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (1), 1-9, 2019
The effect of deep breathing therapy on the blood pressure of hypertension patients in health centre
R Hoesny, Z Alim, D Darmawati
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (3S), 127-130, 2019
The Relationship Between The Number of Parities and Pregnancy Age with Maternal Anemia
I Hidayati, EN Andyarini
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 2 (1), 42-47, 2018
The Relation of Personal Hygiene with The Incidence of Scabies at Al Falah Male Boarding School Students Sub-district of Liang Anggang in the Year 2016
N Muafida, I Santoso, D Darmiah
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 1 (1), 1-9, 2017
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Articles 1–20