Maria Brockhaus
Maria Brockhaus
Professor, International Forest Policy, University of Helsinki
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Cited by
An assessment of deforestation and forest degradation drivers in developing countries
N Hosonuma, M Herold, V De Sy, RS De Fries, M Brockhaus, L Verchot, ...
Environmental Research Letters 7 (4), 044009, 2012
Realising REDD+: National strategy and policy options
A Angelsen, M Brockhaus, M Kanninen, E Sills, WD Sunderlin, ...
CIFOR, Bogor, 2009
Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices
A Angelsen, M Brockhaus, WD Sunderlin, LV Verchot
Cifor, 2012
Multi-level governance and power in climate change policy networks
M Di Gregorio, L Fatorelli, J Paavola, B Locatelli, E Pramova, ...
Global Environmental Change 54, 64-77, 2019
Beyond dichotomies: Gender and intersecting inequalities in climate change studies
H Djoudi, B Locatelli, C Vaast, K Asher, M Brockhaus, BB Sijapati
Ambio 45 (3), 248-262, 2016
Is adaptation to climate change gender neutral? Lessons from communities dependent on livestock and forests in northern Mali
H Djoudi, M Brockhaus
International Forestry Review 13 (2), 123-135, 2011
Land tenure and REDD+: The good, the bad and the ugly
AM Larson, M Brockhaus, WD Sunderlin, A Duchelle, A Babon, T Dokken, ...
Global Environmental Change, 2013
An overview of forest and land allocation policies in Indonesia: Is the current framework sufficient to meet the needs of REDD+?
M Brockhaus, K Obidzinski, A Dermawan, Y Laumonier, C Luttrell
Forest Policy and Economics 18, 30-37, 2012
Who should benefit from REDD+? Rationales and Realities
C Luttrell, L Loft, FM Gebara, D Kweka, M Brockhaus, A Angelsen, ...
Ecology and Society, 2013
Climate policy integration in the land use sector: Mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development linkages
M Di Gregorio, DR Nurrochmat, J Paavola, IM Sari, L Fatorelli, E Pramova, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 67, 35-43, 2017
Facing an uncertain future: How forests and people can adapt to climate change
B Locatelli, M Kanninen, M Brockhaus, CJP Colfer, D Murdiyarso, ...
Governing the design of national REDD+: An analysis of the power of agency
M Brockhaus, M Di Gregorio, S Mardiah
Forest Policy and Economics 49, 23-33, 2014
The political context of REDD+ in Indonesia: Constituencies for change
C Luttrell, IAP Resosudarmo, E Muharrom, M Brockhaus, F Seymour
Environmental Science & Policy 35, 67–75, 2014
Seeing REDD+ through 4Is A political economy framework
M Brockhaus, A Angelsen
Analysing REDD, 15, 2012
Once there was a lake: vulnerability to environmental changes in northern Mali
H Djoudi, M Brockhaus, B Locatelli
Regional Environmental Change 13 (3), 493-508, 2013
Forests and adaptation to climate change: challenges and opportunities
B Locatelli, M Brockhaus, A Buck, I Thompson
Forests and Society-Responding to Global Drivers of Change, 21-42, 2010
Ecosystem services in the national adaptation programmes of action
E Pramova, B Locatelli, M Brockhaus, S Fohlmeister
Climate Policy 12 (4), 393-409, 2012
Approaches to benefit sharing: A preliminary comparative analysis of 13 REDD+ countries
TT Pham, M Brockhaus, G Wong, LN Dung, JS Tjajadi, L Loft, L C., ...
CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia, 2013
Social Forestry-why and for whom? A comparison of policies in Vietnam and Indonesia
M Moeliono, PT Thuy, IW Bong, GY Wong, M Brockhaus
Forest and Society 1 (2), 1-20, 2017
Enabling factors for establishing REDD+ in a context of weak governance
K Korhonen-Kurki, J Sehring, M Brockhaus, M Di Gregorio
Climate Policy 14 (2), 167-186, 2014
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Articles 1–20