Andon Insani
Andon Insani
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia
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Cited by
Lead-Free Aurivillius Phase Bi2LaNb1.5Mn0.5O9: Structure, Ferroelectric, Magnetic, and Magnetodielectric Effects
TP Wendari, S Arief, N Mufti, GR Blake, J Baas, V Suendo, A Prasetyo, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 61 (23), 8644-8652, 2022
Structure-property relationships in the lanthanide-substituted PbBi2Nb2O9 Aurivillius phase synthesized by the molten salt method
TP Wendari, S Arief, N Mufti, A Insani, J Baas, GR Blake
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 860, 158440, 2021
Structural and multiferroic properties in double-layer Aurivillius phase Pb0. 4Bi2. 1La0. 5Nb1. 7Mn0. 3O9 prepared by molten salt method
TP Wendari, S Arief, N Mufti, A Insani, J Baas, GR Blake
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 820, 153145, 2020
Neutron-induced damage in near-stoichiometric spinel ceramics irradiated below 200° C and its recovery due to annealing
T Yano, A Insani, H Sawada, T Iseki
Journal of nuclear materials 258, 1836-1841, 1998
Synthesis of silica particles through conventional sol-gel and sonochemistry methods and the effect of catalyst, water concentration and sample environment to the particle size
R Kamila, MPM Akhir, A Patriati, A Insani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2193 (1), 012044, 2022
The X-ray diffraction analyses on the mechanical alloying of the Mg2Ni formation
H Suwarno, A Insani, WA Adi
Jurnal Teknologi Bahan Nuklir 3 (2), 2013
The Mechanism of Mg 2 Al 3 Formation by Mechanical Alloying
H Suwarno, WA Adi, A Insani
Atom Indonesia 35 (1), 11-18, 2009
Recovery of neutron-induced defects in near-stoichiometric spinel ceramics irradiated at around 500° C
T Yano, H Sawada, A Insani, H Miyazaki, T Iseki
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1996
Texture Analysis on the AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Using Neutron Diffraction Method
TH Priyanto, A Insani, R Muslih
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1436 (1), 012061, 2020
Magnetic structure of magnetite phase of iron sand retrieved from Banten, Indonesia
E Sukirman, Y Sarwanto, A Insani, MT Rina, A Purwanto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1091 (1), 012007, 2018
Structure, ferroelectric, magnetic, and energy storage performances of lead-free Bi4Ti2. 75 (FeNb) 0.125 O12 Aurivillius ceramic by doping Fe3+ ions extracted from Padang beach …
TP Wendari, A Rizki, YE Putri, A Labanni, A Insani, AR Liandi
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 9, 100679, 2024
Effect of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at Temperatures of 900and 950 o c for 5 Minutes on Microstructural Formation of Fe-25Ni-17Cr Austenitic Stainless Steel
M Dani, S Mustofa, S Parikin, T Sudiro, B Hermanto, DR Adhika, A Insani, ...
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 8 (8), 2020
Neutronic investigation of a light water reactor with SiC ceramic as accident tolerant fuel cladding (ATFC) material
AK Rivai, F Aziz, M Panitra, A Insani
AIP Conference Proceedings 2663 (1), 2022
Effect of Arc Plasma Sintering on the Structural and Microstructural Properties of Fe-Cr-Ni Austenitic Stainless Steels
P Parikin, M Dani, A Dimyati, ND Purnamasari, B Sugeng, M Panitra, ...
Makara Journal of Technology 25 (2), 3, 2021
Weak Ferromagnetic Property and Electromagnetic Waves Absorption Characteristic of La (1-x) BaxMnO3
E Sukirman, Y Sarwanto, A Insani, WA Adi, YF Buys
International Journal of Engineering Materials and Manufacture 4 (3), 96-106, 2019
Neutron Diffraction Study of Multiferroic 0.6 NiFe2O4/0.4 BaTiO3 Composite
E Sukirman, Y Sarwanto, S Ahda, A Insani
Makara Journal of Technology 23 (3), 7, 2019
Green mussel shell-derived hydroxyapatite-CoFe2O4 catalyst: Microwave-assisted synthesis of 2-amino-4H-chromene derivative
AR Liandi, AA Al-wahid, YDI Siregar, TP Wendari, AH Cahyana, A Insani
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 10, 100851, 2024
Possible Defect Recovery in T’-Pr2-xCexCuO4 with x = 0.10 Nanoparticles Analyzed by Neutron Diffraction
PED Putra, A Insani, R Irfanita, MA Baqiya, D Darminto
Materials Science Forum 1028, 68-74, 2021
Effect of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at Temperatures of 900 and 950oc for 5 Minutes on Microstructural Formation of Fe-25Ni-17Cr Austenitic Stainless Steel
M Dani, S Mustofa, T Sudiro, B Hermanto, DR Adhika, A Insani, A Dimyati, ...
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 8 (8), 4845 …, 2020
Effects of the Preheating Temperature on the Crystal Structure and Texture of Martensitic Stainless Steel
TH Priyanto, R Muslih, H Mugirahardjo, B Bharoto, A Insani, M Muzzakiy
Makara Journal of Technology 22 (2), 4, 2018
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Articles 1–20