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Drug Therapy Problems pada Pasien yang Menerima Resep Polifarmasi
CAK Dewi, U Athiyah, Mufarrihah, Y Nita
Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas Vol 1 (1), 17-22, 2014
Factors related to barriers and medication adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study
E Zairina, G Nugraheni, A Sulistyarini, Mufarrihah, CD Setiawan, ...
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 21 (1), 219-228, 2022
Cost of illness of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia: a systematic review
YFPP Patty, Mufarrihah, Y Nita
Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 32 (4), 285-295, 2021
Korelasi Iklan Obat Demam di Televisi Terhadap Pemilihan Obat pada Swamedikasi
L Pristianty, Mufarrihah
Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis 8 (3), 271-278, 2021
Pemberian Informasi Lama Terapi dan Konfirmasi Informasi Obat Perlu Ditingkatkan di Puskesmas
Y Priyandani, ED Susanti, HH Hartoto, K Kesumawardani, M Titani, ...
Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 1 (1), 1-5, 2014
Are patients willing to ask for generic drug substitutions?
A Hermansyah, U Athiyah, CD Setiawan, M Mufarrihah
International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices 4 (4), 832-837, 2013
Profil Problem Terapi Obat pada Pasien Tuberkulosis di Beberapa Puskesmas Surabaya
Y Priyandani, AA Fitantri, FAN Abdani, N Ramadhani, Y Nita, ...
Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas 1 (2), 30-35, 2014
Biaya Perawatan Pasien Neonatal Jkn Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat
M Mufarrihah, TM Andayani, E Suparniati
Jurnal Manajemen Dan Pelayanan Farmasi (Journal of Management and Pharmacy …, 0
Pengetahuan dan perilaku mahasiswa terkait computer vision syndrome (CVS) serta penggunaan dan penyimpanan obat tetes mata sebagai penanganannya
AD Prihandoyo, GPT Putra, L Gunawan, NN Al Khalifi, NA Ma’rufah, ...
Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas 8 (2), 32, 2021
The Influence of Medication Days’ Supply on Adherence and Cost of Hypertensive Patients at Primary Health Care Centre
M Mufarrihah, CD Setiawan, N Wathaniah, A Rahmaniah, PA Maharani, ...
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 28 (4), 213, 2017
Self-medication profiles in school-age adolescents in Surabaya city, Indonesia
M Mufarrihah, A Yuda, A Paramanandana, D Retnowati, DM Cahyani, ...
Journal of Public Health in Africa 14 (Suppl 1), 2023
Pemilihan Analgesik Eksternal Untuk Mengatasi Nyeri Otot Pada Kuli Angkut Pusat Grosir Surabaya
NS Sukma, DM Cahyani, YTS Revi, EC Febiany, F Alifiyah, BS Hariawan, ...
Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas 7 (1), 23, 2020
Pharmacists' perception about design and content of medicine labels on prescription services in community pharmacies
Mufarrihah, YN Hidayah, A Sulistyarini, A Yuda
Pharmacy Education 23 (4), 300-303, 2023
Pengetahuan Masyarakat tentang E-Farmasi dalam Memaksimalkan Aturan Physical Distancing
ZI Rachman, N Amalia, MH Salim, DA Ainurrizma, FH Sari, EW Astuti, ...
Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas Vol 10 (1), 84-89, 2023
Profile of eye drops labelling of pharmacies’ prescription service in Surabaya
F Aryanto, S Wahyudi, A Sulistyarini, A Yuda, Mufarrihah
Pharmacy Education 23 (4), 336-339, 2023
Pengaruh Media Sosial terhadap Penerapan Physical Distancing sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Covid-19 pada Remaja Jawa Timur.
FM Saskia, A Salsabila, APD Intansari, CM Budiastutik, D Qurotaayun, ...
Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas 10 (2), 2023
Cost of Illness Study in Thyroid Patients: A Systematic Review
S Junita Miru, L Libriansyah, M Mufarrihah, Y Nita
Faculty of Pharmacy Univesrsitas Airlangga, 2023
Cost of Illness Study in Thyroid Patients: A Systematic Review.
SJ Miru, Libriansyah, Mufarrihah, Y Nita
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal/Jurnal Farmasi Dan Ilmu …, 2023
Challenges in the provision of natural medicines by community pharmacists in East Java Province, Indonesia
HP Puspitasari, D Fatmaningrum, S Zahro, S Salsabila, ZA Rizqulloh, ...
Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 32 (4), 875-880, 2021
Barriers to Treatment Adherence to Hypertension: A Comparison Between Members and Non-Members of BPJS Kesehatan at Pharmacy in Surabaya
HP Puspitasari, D Susanti, M Maunah, M Mufarrihah, W Utami
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Articles 1–20