muhammad abdur rasyid
muhammad abdur rasyid
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Cited by
A biosurfactant-producing and iron-oxidizing mixotrophic bacterium as an environmentally friendly reagent for eco-green flotation of Indonesian complex Pb-Zn ores
E Sanwani, SK Chaerun, H Husni, T Pamungkas, MA Rasyid
Minerals Engineering 170, 106824, 2021
Application of instantaneous power draw analysis to investigate the impact of microwave heating on kimberlite ore crushing
MA Rasyid, A Aslam, A Rafiei, F Hassani, AP Sasmito
Applied Energy 352, 121900, 2023
Surface Modification of Galena Concentrate, Sphalerite Concentrate, and Silica by the Bacterium Citrobacter sp. and Its Application to Green Flotation of Complex …
E Sanwani, SK Chaerun, H Husni, MA Rasyid
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 7, 1265-1279, 2021
Classification performance of semi-inverted hydrocyclones
MA Rasyid, V Jokovic, R Morrison
Minerals Engineering 142, 105889, 2019
Clean coal technology using an iron-and sulfur-oxidizing mixotrophic bacterium
SR Nurhawaisyah, E Sanwani, SK Chaerun, MA Rasyid
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478 (1), 012023, 2019
Transforming power draw trend of ore crushing by applying microwave heating
MA Rasyid, A Aslam, A Rafiei, AP Sasmito, F Hassani
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applied Energy-ICAE, 8-11, 2022
Microwave impacts on more sustainable kimberlite processing
MA Rasyid, A Aslam, A Rafiei, AP Sasmito, F Hassani
Conference of Metallurgists, 911-915, 2022
Screening of bacteria for coal beneficiation
SR Nurhawaisyah, E Sanwani, SK Chaerun, MA Rasyid
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478 (1), 012021, 2019
Development of appropriate technology adoption for coffee farmers in Sukawangi Village, Sumedang
BA Budiman, H Purnama, H Nugrahapraja, MA Rasyid, NSD Putra, ...
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Politik dan Humaniora 2 (2), 15-26, 2019
Investigation of semi-inverted hydrocyclone with novel design
MA Rasyid
Comparative Study of the Rosin-Rammler and Gates-Gaudin-Schuhmann Particle Size Distribution Models for Microwave-Assisted Crushing Analysis
MA Rasyid, A Aslam, A Rafiei, AP Sasmito, F Hassani
E3S Web of Conferences 543, 01001, 2024
Beneficiation Processing of Magnetite ore from Lampung as Dense Media for Dense Medium Separator in Coal Washing Plant
I Handayani, MA Rasyid, R Fadhilah, HIK Gusti
E3S Web of Conferences 543, 01006, 2024
Potential Benefits of Microwave-Assisted Comminution in Kimberlite Processing
A Aslam, MA Rasyid, A Rafiei, A Ahmadihosseini, AP Sasmito, F Hassani
Conference of Metallurgists, 575-578, 2023
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Articles 1–13