Idah Zuhroh
Idah Zuhroh
Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Email yang diverifikasi di umm.ac.id
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The effects of liquidity, firm size, and profitability on the firm value with mediating leverage
I Zuhroh
KnE Social Sciences, 203–230-203–230, 2019
Literasi dan edukasi pembayaran non tunai melalui aplikasi QR Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) pada kelompok milenial
ET Kurniawti, I Zuhroh, N Malik
Studi Kasus Inovasi Ekonomi 5 (01), 2021
Cost efficiency of islamic banks in Indonesia–a Stochastic frontier analysis
I Zuhroh, M Ismail, G Maskie
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 211, 1122-1131, 2015
The effects of liquidity, firm size, and profitability on the firm value with mediating leverage. KnE Social Sciences, 3 (13), 203
I Zuhroh
Analisis Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Sektor Industri Pengolahan Tahun 2001-2015 di Pasuruan dan Sidoarjo
M Ardiansyah, I Zuhroh, MF Abdullah
Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi 2 (2), 294-308, 2018
Analisa cadangan devisa Indonesia tahun 1990-2016
D Dianita, I Zuhroh
Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi 2 (1), 119-131, 2018
Dampak pertumbuhan nilai tukar riil terhadap pertumbuhan neraca perdagangan Indonesia (Suatu aplikasi Model Vector Autoregressive, Var)
I Zuhroh, D Kaluge
Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics 1 (1), 2007
Analisis permintaan kredit investasi pada bank swasta nasional di Jawa Timur
D Ningsih, I Zuhroh
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan 8 (2), 345-356, 2010
An approach of Vector Autoregression Model for inflation analysis in Indonesia
I Zuhroh, H Kusuma, S Kurniawati
Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy Ventura 20 (3), 261-268, 2018
Membangun Ekonomi Nasional yang Kokoh
A Juanda, MSW Suliswanto, A Soelistyo, A Boedirochminarni, MK Fuddin, ...
UMMPress, 2019
Analysis of COVID-19 impact on micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) credit distribution in East Java Banks
EH Nufus, I Zuhroh, MSW Suliswanto
Journal of Accounting and Investment 22 (2), 342-360, 2021
Analisis penyaluran kredit modal kerja pada Bank Umum di Indonesia
V Indriati, I Zuhroh, D Susilowati
Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi JIE 2 (3), 529-540, 2018
Mapping Islamic Bank Governance studies: a systematic literature review
I Zuhroh
Cogent Business & Management 9 (1), 2072566, 2022
Profitabilitas Bank Syariah Di Indonesia: Bagaimana Pengaruh Permodalan, Inflasi Dan Birate?
I Zuhroh
Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan 12 (2), 398-415, 2022
Banking stock price movement and macroeconomic indicators: k-means clustering approach
I Zuhroh, M Rofik, A Echchabi
Cogent Business & Management 8 (1), 1980247, 2021
Prediksi inflasi indonesia dengan model artificial neural network
D Wahyuningsih, I Zuhroh
Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics 2 (2), 2008
Ekonometrika Dengan Software Eviews
I Zuhroh, F Amir
UMMPress, 2021
Komparasi kinerja keuangan bank nasional dan bank asing tahun 2010-2014
L Subuh, I Zuhroh, MF Abdullah
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan 14 (2), 204-217, 2016
The effects of liquidity, firm size, and profitability on the firm value with mediating leverage. KnE Social Sciences, 3 (13), 203–230
I Zuhroh
Fundamental factor analysis on banking stock price in lq45
I Zuhroh, A Veronika
Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi Dan Keuangan 11 (1), 118-137, 2021
Sistem tidak dapat melakukan operasi ini. Coba lagi nanti.
Artikel 1–20