Joni Hermana
Joni Hermana
Professor Teknik Lingkungan ITS Surabaya
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The present and proposed sustainable food waste treatment technology in Indonesia: A review
AU Farahdiba, I Warmadewanthi, Y Fransiscus, E Rosyidah, J Hermana, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 32, 103256, 2023
Seasonal variation in chemical properties and degradability by anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate at Benowo in Surabaya, Indonesia
M Kawai, IF Purwanti, N Nagao, A Slamet, J Hermana, T Toda
Journal of environmental management 110, 267-275, 2012
Analisis resiko lingkungan dari pengolahan limbah pabrik tahu dengan kayu apu (pistia stratiotes l.) Environmental analysis from tofu waste water treatment by water lettuce …
A Damayanti, J Hermana, A Masduqi, JTL FTSP-ITS
Jurnal Purifikasi 5 (4), 151-156, 2004
Biodegradability and methane productivity during anaerobic co-digestion of refractory leachate
M Kawai, M Kishi, MR Hamersley, N Nagao, J Hermana, T Toda
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 72, 46-51, 2012
An occupant-based overview of microplastics in indoor environments in the City of Surabaya, Indonesia
I Bahrina, AD Syafei, R Satoto, JJ Jiang, NR Nurasrin, AF Assomadi, ...
Journal of Ecological Engineering 21 (8), 2020
Enhanced cultivation and lipid production of isolated microalgae strains using municipal wastewater
LDA Purba, FS Othman, A Yuzir, SE Mohamad, K Iwamoto, N Abdullah, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 27, 102444, 2022
Community Based Water Management and Social Capital
J Kobayashi, Syabri, Ari
IWA Publishing, London, UK, 2014
Discovering future research trends of aerobic granular sludge using bibliometric approach
LDA Purba, JM Khudzari, K Iwamoto, SE Mohamad, A Yuzir, N Abdullah, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 303, 114150, 2022
Acute toxicity and morphology alterations of glyphosate-based herbicides to Daphnia magna and Cyclops vicinus
K Gustinasari, Ł Sługocki, R Czerniawski, ES Pandebesie, J Hermana
Toxicological Research 37, 197-207, 2021
Removal of Cr3+ and Hg2+ using compost derived from municipal solid waste
J Hermana, E Nurhayati
Sustainable Environment Research 20 (4), 257-261, 2010
Kajian pembakaran sampah plastik jenis polipropilena (PP) menggunakan insinerator
AJ Rudend, J Hermana
Jurnal Teknik ITS 9 (2), D124-D130, 2021
The Effect of Ventilation and Cooking Activities Indoor Fine Particulates in Apartments Towards
R Zenissa, AD Syafei, U Surahman, AC Sembiring, AW Pradana, ...
Civil and Environmental Engineering 16 (2), 238-248, 2020
Pengaruh air limbah industri tahu terhadap laju pertumbuhan tanaman bayam Cabut (Amaranthus tricolor)
E Siswoyo, J Hermana
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Lingkungan 9 (2), 105-113, 2017
Analisa kecukupan ruang terbuka hijau berdasarkan penyerapan emisi CO2 dan pemenuhan kebutuhan oksigen di Kota Probolinggo
A Setiawan, J Hermana
Jurnal Teknik ITS 2 (2), D171-D174, 2013
Algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge for real municipal wastewater treatment: performance, microbial community change and feasibility of lipid recovery
LDA Purba, SA Zahra, A Yuzir, K Iwamoto, N Abdullah, K Shimizu, Z Lei, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 333, 117374, 2023
Strategi pengelolaan air limbah permukiman di Bantaran Kali Surabaya
H Fatnasari, J Hermana
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XI 6, 2010
Rapid development of microalgae-bacteria granular sludge using low-strength domestic wastewater
LDA Purba, N Abdullah, A Yuzir, A Zamyadi, K Shimizu, J Hermana
Journal of Water and Environment Technology 19 (2), 96-107, 2021
Pengaruh konsentrasi substrat terhadap laju pertumbuhan alga dan bakteri heterotropik pada sistem HRAR
WD Septiani, A Slamet, J Hermana
Jurnal Teknik ITS 3 (2), D98-D103, 2014
Identification of Trace Element in Ambient Air Case Study: Industrial Estate in Waru, Sidoarjo, East Java
JH GT Humairoh, AD Syafei, M Santoso, R Boedisantoso, AF Assomadi
Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 1910 - 1921, 0
Factors affecting the indoor air quality of middle-class apartments in major cities in Indonesia: A case study in Surabaya city
AD Syafei, U Surahman, AC Sembiring, AW Pradana, TN Ciptaningayu, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2296 (1), 2020
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Articles 1–20