Retno Kusumastuti Hardjono
Retno Kusumastuti Hardjono
Professor in Business Administration, Universitas Indonesia
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Penguatan peran pemuda dalam pencapaian tujuan ketiga sustainable development goals (SDGs) di karang taruna Keluarahan Serua, Bojongsari, Depok
M Juned, RD Kusumastuti, S Darmastuti
Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1 (1), 2018
The determinant of working capital management of manufacturing companies
M Fatimatuzzahra, R Kusumastuti
MIMBAR: Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan 32 (2), 276-281, 2016
Finding the context indigenous innovation in village enterprise knowledge structure: a topic modeling
R Kusumastuti, M Silalahi, AY Asmara, R Hardiyati, V Juwono
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 11 (1), 19, 2022
Analysis of ownership structure effect on economic value added
FF Henryani, R Kusumastuti
International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization 172, 2013
Understanding rural context in the social innovation knowledge structure and its sector implementations
R Kusumastuti, M Silalahi, MT Sambodo, V Juwono
Management Review Quarterly 73 (4), 1873-1901, 2023
Developing innovation capability of SME through contextual ambidexterity
R Kusumastuti, N Safitri, N Khafian
Bisnis & Birokrasi 22 (1), 51, 2015
The influence of corporate governance structure towards underpricing
AW Hidayat, R Kusumastuti
Bisnis & Birokrasi 21 (2), 90, 2014
Peningkatan Kemampuan Dalam Mengembangkan Model Bisnis Dan Optimalisasi Media Sosial Melalui Pelatihan Model Bisnis Dan Promosi Bagi Umkm
P Chairina, R Kusumastuti, EZ Rusfian
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) 6 (2), 963-977, 2022
An analysis of agency costs and dividend payout ratio of non-financial companies
A Natalia, R Kusumastuti
Bandung Islamic University 33, 261-268, 2017
Access of small and medium enterprises to finance in rural areas: Case of Indonesia and Thailand
N Ikasari, T Sumransat, U Eko, R Kusumastuti
International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering 10 (5), 1661-1668, 2016
Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan dan Board Size Terhadap Corporate Cash Holding
F Abdillah, R Kusumastuti
Jurnal. Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta, 2014
Ownership structure and dividend policy in non-financial company
I Jatmiko, R Kusumastuti
Bandung Islamic University, 2017
Achieving sustainable competitiveness of tourism dynamics with resource-based view
E Simarmata, R Kusumastuti, C Wijaya
European Journal of Innovation Management 27 (3), 1001-1023, 2024
Co-creation strategy in empowering indigenous women’s innovation in Indonesia: empirical evidence of weaver community entrepreneurs in West Nusa Tenggara
R Kusumastuti, A Virgianita, V Juwono
Open Innovation in Small Business: Creating Values for Sustainability, 17-37, 2023
Importance-performance analysis towards sustainable indigenous tourism (a lesson learned from Indonesia)
TM Saviera, R Kusumastuti, AN Hidayanto
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 31 (1), 91-116, 2022
Analysis of the impacts of family ownership on a company’s costs of debt
IBP Perdana, R Kusumastuti
BISNIS & BIROKRASI: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi 18 (2), 6, 2011
Social Enterprise in Action: A Study of Indigenous Community-based Enterprise in Rural Areas to End Poverty in All its Form (Irodori Leaf-Business Kamikatsu, Japan and Ikat …
R Kusumastuti, V Juwono
KnE Social Sciences, 424–431-424–431, 2022
Praktikum Pengantar Akuntansi 1
N Ikasari, T Nurchamid, R Kusumastuti, MS Setyowati
Salemba Empat, 2018
How Ownership Structure Influences Firm Performance in Relation to Its Life Cycle
N Firdaus, R Kusumastuti
International Research Journal of Business Studies 5 (3), 2012
Understanding social capital that leads to strategic ambidexterity practice in family firm business
R Kusumastuti
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13, 5317-5321, 2018
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Articles 1–20