Chokchai Yuenyong
Chokchai Yuenyong
Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
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Cited by
Scientific Literacy and Thailand Science Education.
C Yuenyong, P Narjaikaew
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 4 (3), 335-349, 2009
STEM education teaching approach: Inquiry from the context based
S Sutaphan, C Yuenyong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1340 (1), 012003, 2019
Trends and research issues of STEM education: A review of academic publications from 2007 to 2017
P Chomphuphra, P Chaipidech, C Yuenyong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1340 (1), 012069, 2019
Lesson learned of building up community of practice for STEM education in Thailand
C Yuenyong
AIP Conference Proceedings 2081 (1), 2019
Buddhist critical thinking assessment using Rasch model
P Susongko, C Yuenyong, A Zainudin
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 43 (2), 285-292, 2022
Teaching and learning about energy: Using Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach
C Yuenyong, A Jones, S Sung-Ong, N Yutakom, M Forret
Kasetsart University, 2006
Developing critical thinking of students through STEM educational orientation program in Vietnam
NQ Linh, NM Duc, C Yuenyong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1340 (1), 012025, 2019
Graduate students’ concepts of nature of science (NOS) and attitudes toward teaching NOS
W Sumranwanich, C Yuenyong
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 116, 2443-2452, 2014
The outcomes of teaching and learning about sound based on science technology and society (STS) approach
T Chantaranima, C Yuenyong
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 116, 2286-2292, 2014
A comparison of Thailand and New Zealand students’ ideas about energy related to technological and societal issues
C Yuenyong, A Jones, N Yutakom
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 6, 293-311, 2008
Enhancing grade 12 students’ critical thinking and problem-solving ability in learning of the STS genetics and DNA technology unit
C Yuenyong, S Wongsila
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7 (2), 215-235, 2019
The development and validation of an instrument of prospective science teachers’ perceptions of scientific literacy
H Suwono, L Maulidia, M Saefi, S Kusairi, C Yuenyong
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 18 (1), em2068, 2022
Grade 1 to 6 Thai Students' Existing Ideas about Energy.
C Yuenyong, J Yuenyong
Science Education International 18 (4), 289-298, 2007
Indonesian students’ attitude and interest in STEM: An outlook on the gender stereotypes in the STEM field
H Suwono, R Fachrunnisa, C Yuenyong, L Hapsari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1340 (1), 012079, 2019
Ice Cream STEM Education Learning Activity: Inquiry from the Context
EJ Villaruz, MCF Cardona, AT Buan, MB Barquilla, C Yuenyong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1340 (1), 012092, 2019
Development of grade 10 students’ scientific argumentation through the science-technology-society learning unit on work and energy
J Pimvichai, C Yuenyong, K Buaraphan
JOTSE: Journal of Technology and Science Education 9 (3), 428-441, 2019
Implement of STEM education in Vietnamese high school: unit of acid-base reagent from purple cabbage
NM Duc, NQ Linh, C Yuenyong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1340 (1), 012029, 2019
Connecting between culture of learning in Thai contexts and developing students' science learning in the formal setting
J Yuenyong, C Yuenyong
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 46, 5371-5378, 2012
Educational management in transition of science: Policies and strategic leaders for sustainable education 4.0 in the 21st century science classroom
P Jedaman, K Buaraphan, J Pimvichai, C Yuenyong, S Jeerasombat
AIP Conference Proceedings 2081 (1), 2019
Enhancing grade eight students’ creative thinking in the water stem education learning unit
S Sutaphan, C Yuenyong
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan 42 (1), 120-135, 2023
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Articles 1–20