Apri Wardana Ritonga
Apri Wardana Ritonga
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an As-Syifa
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E-Learning Process of Maharah Qira'ah in Higher Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic
AW Ritonga, M Ritonga, T Nurdianto, M Kustati, R Rehani, A Lahmi, ...
The International Journal of Higher Education 9 (2020), 227, 2020
Duolingo: An Arabic Speaking Skills’ Learning Platform for Andragogy Education
M Ritonga, SR Febriani, M Kustati, E Khaef, AW Ritonga, R Yasmar
Education Research International 2022, 2022
Konsep Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama Bagi Generasi Milenial Berbasis Al-Qur’an
AW Ritonga
al-Afkar: Journal for Islamic Studies 4 (1), 72-82, 2021
An Innovation in planning management for learning Arabic at Islamic boarding schools
Z Arifin, A Desrani, AW Ritonga, FMA Ibrahim
Nidhomul Haq: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam 8 (1), 77-89, 2023
The perception of millennial generation on religious moderation through social media in the digital era
SR Febriani, AW Ritonga
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 313-334, 2022
The Use of E-learning as an Online Based Arabic Learning Media for Students
AW Ritonga, S Zulfida, M Ritonga, E Ardinal, D Susanti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1933 (1), 012127, 2021
Role of teachers and parents in realizing character education in the digital era
AW Ritonga
Indonesian Values and Character Education Journal 5 (1), 9-18, 2022
Crossword Puzzle as a Learning Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic: HOTS, MOTS or LOTS?
AW Ritonga, M Mahyudin Ritonga, Vini Wela Septiana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1933 (2021), 1-10, 2021
Learning for Early Childhood Using the IcanDO Platform: Breakthroughs for Golden Age Education in Arabic Learning
M Ritonga, R Hakim, T Nurdianto, AW Ritonga
Education and Information Technologies, 1-18, 2023
Trends of Educational Technology (EdTech): Students’ Perceptions of Technology to Improve the Quality of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia
S Susanto, E Muafiah, A Desrani, AW Ritonga, AR Hakim
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (6), 2022
Teacher’s Challenges in Implementing HOTS in Learning Arabic During Covid-19 Pandemic
AW Ritonga, W Wargadinata, N Hasan, BMB Ahmad
Izdihar: Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 2021
The Challenge Of The Integrated Character Education Paradigm With 21st-Century Skills During The Covid-19 Pandemic
S Susanto, AW Ritonga, A Desrani
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan 20 (1), 2022
Arabic Learning Design Based on 21st Century Skills during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
AW Ritonga, A Desrani, Y Rubiyantoro
Jurnal Iqra': Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan 7 (2), 1-14, 2022
Pengaruh Media Crossword Puzzle dalam Meningkatkan Maharah Qira’ah Siswa SMA Islam Sabilillah Malang Boarding School
AW Ritonga
Studi Arab Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan 11 (2), 73-86, 2020
Improving Students’ Creative Thinking In Learning Arabic Through HOTS Based Project Based Learning Model
S Susanto, A Desrani, AW Ritonga, Y Rubiyantoro
An Nabighoh: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab 24 (1), 2022
Analysis of Arabic Textbook “Takallam Bil'Arabiyyah Volume 6” Based on Mickey’s Theory
AW Ritonga
Tanwir Arabiyyah: Arabic as Foreign Language Journal 1 (1), 25–32, 2021
Persepsi Mahasiswa Tentang Penerapan PTMT Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Menggunakan Model Blended Learning
S Susanto, AW Ritonga, A Desrani, SR Febriani
Al Mi'yar: Jurnal Ilmiah Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban 5 (1), 1-22, 2022
Role of Teachers and Parents in Realizing Character Education in the Digital Era. Indonesian Values and Character Education Journal, 5 (1), 9–18
AW Ritonga
Konsep Pendidikan Islam Dalam Al-Qur’an: Studi Analisis Tafsir Ibnu Katsir
RS Amatullah, AW Ritonga, P Pitriyani, NA Nursalma, DA Mela
Ulumul Qur'an: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir 3 (2), 173-186, 2023
Pendekatan technological pedagogical content knowladge (Tpack) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di Man 2 Payakumbuh
P Saputra, AW Ritonga, U Bahruddin
Shibghoh: Prosiding Ilmu Kependidikan UNIDA Gontor 2 (1), 550-561, 2024
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