Bambang Suharno
Bambang Suharno
Professor of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. Universitas Indonesia
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Cited by
Titanium and titanium based alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering method for biomedical implant applications—A review
D Annur, I Kartika, S Supriadi, B Suharno
Materials Research Express 8 (1), 012001, 2021
Study of selective reduction in lateritic nickel ore: Saprolite versus limonite
F Nurjaman, W Astuti, F Bahfie, B Suharno
Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 1488-1494, 2021
Thermal debinding process of SS 17-4 PH in metal injection molding process with variation of heating rates, temperatures, and holding times
S Supriadi, B Suharno, R Hidayatullah, G Maulana, ER Baek
Solid State Phenomena 266, 238-244, 2017
The potential of carbonate apatite as an alternative bone substitute material
AJ Rahyussalim, S Supriadi, AF Marsetio, PM Pribadi, B Suharno
Medical Journal of Indonesia 28 (1), 92-7, 2019
Differential thermal analysis assessment of beta phase precipitation in Al-6.5 Si-1Fe alloy
D Ferdian, B Suharno, B Duployer, C Tenailleau, L Salvo, J Lacaze
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 65, 821-825, 2012
Effect of reduction temperature and sodium-based additives on nickel upgrading process of laterites ores
A Shofi, A Rahmahwati, F Nurjaman, B Suharno
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 541 (1), 012002, 2019
The use of mixture of piper betle and green tea as a green corrosion inhibitor for API X-52 steel in aerated 3.5% NaCl solution at various rotation rates
A Rustandi, JW Soedarsono, B Suharno
Advanced Materials Research 383, 5418-5425, 2012
Orthodontic Bracket Fabrication Using The Investment Casting Process
S Supriadi, TW Sitanggang, B Irawan, B Suharno, G Kiswanto, ...
International Journal of Technology 4, 613-621, 2015
Effect of modified basicity in selective reduction process of limonitic nickel ore
F Nurjaman, AS Handoko, F Bahfie, W Astuti, B Suharno
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 15, 6476-6490, 2021
Effect of coating layer of sand casting mold in thin-walled ductile iron casting: reducing the skin effect formation
D Dhaneswara, B Suharno, RDS Ariobimo, DB Sambodo, JF Fatriansyah
International Journal of Metalcasting 12, 362-369, 2018
The effects of plates position in vertical casting producing thin wall ductile iron
B Suharno, JW Soedarsono, TP Soemardi, RD Sulamet-Ariobimo
Advanced Materials Research 277, 66-75, 2011
Additives in selective reduction of lateritic nickel ores: Sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate, and sodium chloride
B Suharno, F Nurjaman, C Ramadini, A Shofi
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 38, 2145-2159, 2021
The role of sodium-based additives on reduction process of nickel lateritic ore
F Nurjaman, A Rahmahwati, MF Karimy, N Hastriana, A Shofi, U Herlina, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478 (1), 012001, 2019
Effect of basicity on beneficiated chromite sand smelting process using submerged arc furnace
F Nurjaman, S Subandrio, D Ferdian, B Suharno
AIP conference proceedings 1964 (1), 2018
Corrosion behavior of Fe-Mn-C Alloy as degradable materials candidate fabricated via powder metallurgy process
S Harjanto, Y Pratesa, B Suharno, J Syarif
Advanced Materials Research 576, 386-389, 2012
Preparation, Decomposition and Characterizations of Bangka - Indonesia Ilmenite (FeTiO3) Derived by Hydrothermal Method Using Concentrated NaOH Solution
L Hanum Lalasari, F Firdiyono, A Herman Yuwono, S Harjanto, ...
Advanced Materials Research 535, 750-756, 2012
Effect of binary basicity (CaO/SiO2) on selective reduction of lateritic nickel ore
F Nurjaman, K Saekhan, F Bahfie, W Astuti, B Suharno
Periodico di Mineralogia 90 (2), 2021
Cooling rate analysis of thin wall ductile iron using microstructure examination and computer simulation
RD Sulamet-Ariobimo, JW Soedarsono, B Suharno
Applied Mechanics and Materials 752, 845-850, 2015
The Effect of Additives and Reductors in Selectives Reduction Process of Laterite Nickel Ore
F Nurjaman, A Sa'adah, A Shofi, W Apriyana, B Suharno
Jusami| Indonesian Journal of Materials Science 20 (1), 8-14, 2019
The effect of solution treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Mo-6Nb-8Sn alloy
G Senopati, C Sutowo, I Kartika, B Suharno
Materials Today: Proceedings 13, 224-228, 2019
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Articles 1–20