Dwi Listyorini
Dwi Listyorini
Ph.D in Animal Development Regulation (Tokyo Metropolitan University), State University of Malang
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Kajian Antagonis Trichoderma spp Terhadap Fusarium solani penyebab Penyakit Layu Pada Daun Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens) secara in vitro
H Ningsih, US Hastuti, D Listyorini
Proceeding Biology Education Conference 13 (1), 814-817, 2016
Effectivity of black tea polyphenol in adipogenesis related IGF-1 and its receptor pathway through in silico based study
H Susanto, VD Kharisma, D Listyorini, A Taufiq
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1093 (1), 012037, 2018
Phylogeny and estimated genetic divergence times of banana cultivars (Musa spp.) from Java Island by maturase K (matK) genes
RT Probojati, D Listyorini, S Sulisetijono, D Wahyudi
Bulletin of the National Research Centre 45, 1-13, 2021
Enhancing students’ nature of science understanding through project-based learning and mind mapping
S Sukaesih, S Zubaidah, S Mahanal, D Listyorini
Int J Eval & Res Educ ISSN 2252, 8822, 1705
Optimasi teknik isolasi dan purifikasi DNA pada daun cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens cv. Cakra Hijau) menggunakan Genomic DNA Mini Kit (Plant) GENEAID
SK Sari, D Listyorini, MN Mazieda, ES Sulasmi
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and …, 2014
Expression and function of Wnt5a in the development of the glandular stomach in the chicken embryo
D Listyorini, S Yasugi
Development, growth & differentiation 48 (4), 243-252, 2006
The potential of Remap STAD in improving motivation and academic achievement
R Adawiyah, S Zubaidah, D Listyorini, M Astriani
AIP Conference Proceedings 2330 (1), 2021
DNA barcoding ikan introduksi khas Telaga Sari, Kabupaten Pasuruan
DA Rahayu, ED Nugroho, D Listyorini
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology 7 (2), 51-62, 2019
Studi morfometrik dan meristik ikan melem biru (Osteochilus sp.) di aliran Sungai Ketro, Ponorogo, Jawa Timur
NAA Taqwin, Q Munawaroh, DM Sari, EM Suryani, DA Rahayu, ...
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas V, 2014
Kebutuhan bahan ajar matakuliah biologi sel di perguruan tinggi kota Malang
I Murtini, S Zubaidah, D Listyorini
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan 4 (8), 486393, 2019
Anatomy and Morphological Study of Mentigi Gunung (Vaccinium varingiaefolium (Blume) Miq.) in Area of Mount Batok-Indonesia
A Sholikhah, FA Dian, D Listyorini
KnE Life Sciences, 36-45, 2017
AT3 (Acyltransferase) gene isolated from Capsicum frutescens cv. Cakra Hijau
M Habibi, AM Manggabarani, ES Sulasmi, D Listyorini
Journal of Tropical Life Science 3 (2), 83-86, 2013
Retention achievement in brain-based whole learning is supported by students’ scientific literacy and concept mastery
N Murniati, H Susilo, D Listyorini
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction 13 (3), 294-303, 2023
Varietas padi lokal Jawa Timur tahan cekaman kekeringan berdasarkan Gen DREB2A
Y Lathif, D Listyorini, S Suharti
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology 6 (3), 89-95, 2018
Sub1A gene screening for submergence stress in Indonesian local rice varieties
EN Khasna, I Ardana, CN Fikriani, NB Anggraini, D Listyorini
AIP Conference Proceedings 2260 (1), 2020
Observation of frog species in State University of Malang as a preliminary effort on frog conservation
DR Wulandari, M Habibi, D Listyorini
Journal of Tropical Life Science 3 (1), 43-47, 2013
Biologi Sel
A Istanti, TI Prasetyo, D Listyorini
Malang: jurusan Biologi FMIPA UM, 1999
Identification Of Potential Bacteria On Several Lakes In East Java, Indonesia Based On 16S RRNA Sequence Analysis
A Rodiansyah, AF Mahmudah, MM Ulfah, U Rohmawati, D Listyorini, ...
HAYATI Journal Of Biosciences 28 (2), 136-136, 2021
Pengaruh jenis pakan terhadap pertambahan bobot dan kelulushidupan benih ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L.) Strain Punten
L Husniya
Universitas Negeri Malang, 2016
Gene p53 mutations after the induction of 7, 12-Dimethylbenz (a) anthracene (DMBA) and administration of anti-carcinogenesis properties of Gynura procumbens in Sprague Dawley rats
A Gofur, IS Hamid, D Listyorini
Biomedical Engineering 1 (1), 2015
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