Smart Monitoring Temperature and Humidity of the Room Server Using Raspberry Pi and Whatsapp Notifications DE Kurniawan, M Iqbal, J Friadi, RI Borman, R Rinaldi Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (1), 012006, 2019 | 138 | 2019 |
Designing an Android-based Space Travel Application Trough Virtual Reality for Teaching Media RI Borman, YP Putra, Y Fernando, DE Kurniawan, P Prasetyawan, ... 2018 International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 1-5, 2018 | 132 | 2018 |
C2C marketplace model in fishery product trading application using SMS gateway DE Kurniawan, NZ Janah, A Wibowo, P Prasetyawan MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 15001, 2018 | 119 | 2018 |
Classification of the Period Undergraduate Study Using Back-propagation Neural Network P Prasetyawan, I Ahmad, RI Borman, YA Pahlevi, DE Kurniawan 2018 International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 1-5, 2018 | 70 | 2018 |
Analysis of performance comparison between Software-Based iSCSI SAN and Hardware-Based iSCSI SAN DE Kurniawan, I Ahmad, MR Ridho, F Hidayat, AA Js Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (1), 012009, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Smart mathematics: a Kindergarten student learning media based on the drill and practice model DE Kurniawan, A Dzikri, H Widyastuti, E Sembiring, RT Manurung Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1175 (1), 012037, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
Perancangan sistem kamera pengawas berbasis perangkat bergerak menggunakan raspberry pi DE Kurniawan, S Fani Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan (JITTER) 3 (2), 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Login Security Using One Time Password (OTP) Application with Encryption Algorithm Performance DE Kurniawan, M Iqbal, J Friadi, F Hidayat, RD Permatasari Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1783 (1), 012041, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
perancangan sistem pengamanan sepeda motor menggunakan mikrokontroler raspberry Pi dan smartphone android DE Kurniawan, MN Surur Jurnal Komputer Terapan 2 (2), 93-104, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Clustering of Social Conditions in Batam, Indonesia Using K-Means Algorithm and Geographic Information System DE Kurniawan, A Fatulloh International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (IJEE) 10 (05), 1076 …, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Pemilihan Rumah Menggunakan Metode Weight Product dengan Visualisasi Lokasi Objek DE Kurniawan, ST Amanda Klik-Kumpulan Jurnal Ilmu Komputer 4 (1), 102-111, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Analisis Sentimen Twitter Terhadap Opini Publik Atas Isu Pencalonan Puan Maharani dalam PILPRES 2024 DA Vonega, A Fadila, DE Kurniawan Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing 6 (2), 129-135, 2022 | 26 | 2022 |
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi WebGIS untuk Pemetaan Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Kota Batam A Ariyanto, DE Kurniawan, A Fatulloh Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing 2 (1), 27-30, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Hand Gesture Recognition for Game 3D Object Using The Leap Motion Controller with Backpropagation Method A Dzikri, DE Kurniawan 2018 International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 1-5, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
Perancangan Sistem Terintegrasi pada Aplikasi Siklus Akuntansi dengan Evaluasi Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) DE Kurniawan, A Saputra, P Prasetyawan Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) 2 (1), 315-321, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Object Visualization Using Maps Marker Based On Augmented Reality DE Kurniawan, A Dzikri, M Suriya, Y Rokhayati, A Najmurrokhman 2018 International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 1-5, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
The Network Planning Concept for Increase Quality of Service using Packet Tracer M Mufadhol, G Aryotejo, DE Kurniawan 2019 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 1-6, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Pemetaan Jalur Transportasi Bus Umum Kota Batam Menggunakan QuantumGIS dan Geoserver DE Kurniawan Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi 2 (2), 1-8, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |
Implementation and analysis ipsec-vpn on cisco asa firewall using gns3 network simulator DE Kurniawan, H Arif, N Nelmiawati, AH Tohari, M Fani Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1175 (1), 012031, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Sistem Pengaman Sepeda Motor Berbasis Perangkat Bergerak dengan Notifikasi dan Kendali Mesin DE Kurniawan, MN Surur JSI: Jurnal Sistem Informasi (E-Journal) 9 (1), 2017 | 15 | 2017 |