Crystal Structure Investigation of Ferritic 73Fe24Cr2Si0.8Mn0.1Ni Steel for Multi-Purpose Structural Material Applications Parikin , M. Dani , A.K. Jahja , R. Iskandar, J. Mayer International Journal of Technology University of Indonesia 9 (1), 78-88, 2018 | 11* | 2018 |
Residual Stress Measurements on the TIG Weld Joint of 57Fe15Cr25Ni Austenitic Steel for Structure Material Applications by Means X-Ray Diffraction Techniques Parikin, AH Ismoyo, A Dimyati Makara ournal of Technology University of Indonesia 21 (2), 9, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Measurements of Residual Stresses in Cold-Rolled 304 Stainless Steel Plates Using X-Ray Diffraction with Rietveld Refinement Method Parikin, P. Killen, A. Rafterry Atom Indonesia 35 (1), 17, 2009 | 10* | 2009 |
Ketahanan Oksidasi Baja Super Austenitik 15%Cr-25%Ni Pada Temperatur 850 °C Parikin, B Sugeng, M Dani, SG Sukaryo Jusami Indonesia 18 (4), 179-184, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Independency of Elasticity on Residual Stress of Room Temperature Rolled Stainless Steel 304 Plates for Structure Materials P Parikin, D Allen Makara Journal of Technology 19 (3), 97-102, 2015 | 6* | 2015 |
Analisis Pengaruh Proses Pengerolan Dan Penempaan Panas Pada Sifat Mekanik Dan Struktur Mikro Paduan ZrNbMoGe AH Ismoyo, Parikin, Bandriyana Journal from# PUBLISHER 15 (25), 32, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
24-Chromiu Ferritic Steel Magnetic Properties N Effendi, T Darwinto, AH Ismoyo, Parikin Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 15 (4), 187-191, 2014 | 6* | 2014 |
Microstructures and hardness of the experimental 57fe15cr25ni steel around tig weld-joints for reactor structure materials AD Parikin, M Dani, AK Rivai, AH Ismoyo, R Iskandar Makara Journal of Technology, 66, 2018 | 5* | 2018 |
Investigation On Precipitations And Defects Of The Fe-24cr-2si-0.8 mn Ferritic Super Alloy Steel M. Dani, Parikin, R. Iskandar, A. Dimyati Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 18 (4), 6, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Texture Analysis of the Hot Rolling Austenitic Cr-Ni Steel Using Neutron Diffraction Method TH Priyanto, N Effendi, Parikin Advanced Materials Research 1123, 104-108, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Effect of Arc Plasma Sintering on the Structural and Microstructural Properties of Fe-Cr-Ni Austenitic Stainless Steels CAH Parikin, Mohammad Dani, Arbi Dimyati, Novita Dwi Purnamasari., Bambang ... Makara Journal of Technology University of Indonesia 25 (2), 71-78, 2021 | 4* | 2021 |
Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization of High-Temperatur Oxidation of Fe-20Cr-5Al Alloy Prepared by Focused Ion Beam Technique M Dani, P Untoro, TYSP Putra, P Parikin, J Mayer, A Dimyati Makara Journal of Technology 19 (2), 85-89, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
Neutron Diffraction Technique on The Structural Identification of ZrNbMoGe Alloy Parikin, A Fajar, AH Ismoyo, B Bandriyana Book of MATERIALS SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, 91-97, 2011 | 4* | 2011 |
Effect of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at Temperatures of 900 and 950o c for 5 Minutes on Microstructural Formation of Fe-25Ni-17Cr Austenitic Stainless Steel CAH M. Dani, S. Mustofa, Parikin, Sumaryo, T. Sudiro, B. Hermanto, D. R ... International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 8 (8), 4845 …, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Non-destructive Residual Stress Analysis Around The Weld-Joint of Fuel Cladding Materials of ZrNbMoGe Alloys P Parikin, B Bandriyana, I Wahyono, AH Ismoyo Atom Indonesia 39 (2), 65, 2013 | 3 | 2013 |
High Temperature Oxidation Tests On ZrNbMoGe Alloy For Cladding Of Nuclear Fuel Materials AH Ismoyo, B Bandriyana, Parikin, Kuntoro, Iman Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 11 (3), 2010 | 3* | 2010 |
Texture Analysis using The Neutron Diffraction Method on The Non Standardized Austenitic Steel Process by Machining,Annealing, and Rolling Tri Hardi Priyanto, Parikin Parikin, Meijuan Li Makara Journal of Technology 20 (No 1.), 19-23, 2016 | 2* | 2016 |
Effect of Temperature of Spark Plasma Sintering on the Development of Oxide Compound in Fe-25wt%Ni-17wt%CrAustenitic Stainless Steel CAH S. Mustofa, M. Dani, Parikin, T. Sudiro, B. Hermanto, D. R. Adhika ... International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 8 (9), 5661 …, 2020 | 1* | 2020 |
Quantitative Phase Analysis of the ZrNbMoGe Alloys Using Neutron Diffraction Techniques P Parikin, A Fajar, A Insani, AH Ismoyo, B Bandriyana Indonesian Journal of Materials Science 13 (2), 129446, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Microstructures and hardness of the experimental 57fe15cr25ni steel around tig weld-joints for reactor structure materials M Dani, AK Rivai, AH Ismoyo, R Iskandar, A Dimyati Makara Journal of Technology 22 (2), 66, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |