Andi Nilawati Usman
Andi Nilawati Usman
Graduate School Of Hasanuddin University (Midwifery Department), Halal Center and Mandala Waluya
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Overview of Anemia; risk factors and solution offering
Y Deivita, S Syafruddin, UA Nilawati, A Aminuddin, B Burhanuddin, ...
Gaceta sanitaria 35, S235-S241, 2021
Use of technology for monitoring the development of nutritional status 1000 hpk in stunting prevention in Indonesia.
Hijrawati, AN Usman, S Syarif, V Hadju, S As' ad, YS Baso
Ki‐67 Expression by Immunohistochemistry and Quantitative Real‐Time Polymerase Chain Reaction as Predictor of Clinical Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced …
P Prihantono, M Hatta, C Binekada, D Sampepajung, H Haryasena, ...
Journal of oncology 2017 (1), 6209849, 2017
Prenatal yoga exercise improves sleep quality in the third trimester of pregnant women
H Azward, S Ramadhany, N Pelupessy, AN Usman, FT Bara
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S258-S262, 2021
Prostaglandin level of primary dysmenorrhea pain sufferers
I Fajrin, G Alam, AN Usman
Enfermería Clínica 30, 5-9, 2020
Web-based competency test model for midwifery students
AW Arianggara, YS Baso, S Ramadany, ES Manapa, AN Usman
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 4 (1), 1-7, 2021
Development and application of hydroxyapatite-based scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration: A systematic literature review
F Fendi, B Abdullah, S Suryani, AN Usman, D Tahir
Bone, 117075, 2024
Potency of back message and acupressure on increasing of prolactin hormone levels in primipara postpartum; consideration for midwifery care
N Anita, M Ahmad, AN Usman, AW Sinrang, E Alasiry, B Bahar
Enfermeria clinica 30, 577-580, 2020
Persiapan persalinan dan kelahiran di masa pandemi covid-19
M Ahmad, AN Usman, S Arifuddin, P Patmahwati
Jurnal pengabdian masyarakat indonesia 1 (3), 109-113, 2021
Comparison of the use of shock index and modified early obstetric warning score in COVID-19 obstetric emergency patients as ICU care parameters
S Wahyuni, SMT Chalid, NU Pelupessy, S Arifuddin, I Idris, AN Usman
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 80-90, 2022
Biscuits containing Moringa oleifera leaves flour improve conditions of anemia in pregnant women
MS Manggul, H Hidayanty, S Arifuddin, M Ahmad, V Hadju, AN Usman
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S191-S195, 2021
Determinant juvenile blood pressure factors in coastal areas of Sampara district in Southeast Sulawesi
IP Sudayasa, I Hafizah, N Milasari, AN Usman
Enfermeria Clinica 30, 585-588, 2020
The proxy determinant of complementary feeding of the breastfed child delivery in less than 6 months old infant in the fishing community of Buton tribe
A Kusnan, IMC Binekada, AN Usman
Enfermeria clinica 30, 544-547, 2020
Potential combination of back massage therapy and acupressure as complementary therapy in postpartum women for the increase in the hormone oxytocin
FD Yahya, M Ahmad, AN Usman, AW Sinrang, E Alasiry, B Bahar
Enfermeria Clinica 30, 570-572, 2020
Care for perineal tears in vaginal delivery: An update for midwife
A Hartinah, AN Usman, N Jafar, MA Arsyad, R Yulianty, H Sirenden, ...
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S216-S220, 2021
Correlational study of climate factor, mobility and the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Kendari, Indonesia
AA Arsin, SNA Istiqamah, R Elisafitri, MA Nurdin, S Sirajuddin, ...
Enfermería Clínica 30, 280-284, 2020
Analysis of understanding of midwife students of midwife care as the impact of online learning
NM Rahman, S Made, AN Usman, I Idris, A Unde, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 63-66, 2022
Identifying risk factors of prenatal depression among mothers in Indonesia
A Syam, I Iskandar, M Qasim, A Kadir, AN Usman
Enfermería clínica 30, 550-554, 2020
Diversity Of Dengue Virus Serotype In Endemic Region Of South Sulawesi Province
ANU Muh.Taslim, Arsunan, A.A, Hasanuddin Ishaq, Sudirman nasir
Journal of Tropical Medicine 2018, 2018
The effectiveness of gentle prenatal yoga on the recovery of depression level in pregnant women aged
KRR Bakri, AN Usman, S Syamsuddin, I Idris, E Limoa
Gaceta sanitaria 35, S310-S313, 2021
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Articles 1–20